Winter Field Day

Winter Field Day for 2024 is rapidly approaching. It will be held on January 27th and 28th. Should anyone have interest in organizing club participation, it’s not too late to speak up. At this juncture, it may just be a short field exercise at a local park to practice setup and make a few contacts. Please contact an officer if you have any ideas or interest.

Ramblings of an Old Noob

It’s Christmas Eve morning around 4 a.m. and I can’t sleep. It isn’t the thought of sugar plums keeping me awake, but rather….you………us. Looking ahead to a new year, each day brings so much opportunity for growth, both individually and as a club. What will our contributions be? I’ve never been big on resolutions, but maybe this year….

Back in the 70’s, cable television pioneer, Ted Turner, coined the slogan, “Lead, follow or get out of the way” (paraphrased). I always liked that….something for everyone. Even those who can’t (or won’t) participate, have the opportunity, dare I say obligation, to not impede those who are more motivated to guide or learn. I’m going to suggest a minor alteration to that inspirational slogan. Lead, follow or get in the way. Of course I don’t mean for anyone to literally impede. I mean to ‘get in the way’ of ham radio. I realize I am “preaching to the choir”, as they say. Many of you have forgotten more about ham radio than I will ever know. But if you aren’t actively involved in the club now, I encourage you to once again, or maybe for the first time, lead, follow or get in the way. Even stepping up to embrace something new gives those more experienced the opportunity to mentor. We all remember someone in our ham lives who gave us the courage to push that mic key for the first time. Just this week, a seasoned and respected club member was stretching his comfort zone to embrace FT8. That desire to learn opened the door for someone to have the opportunity to elmer. 

2023 heard a rallying cry for Volunteers On The Air. In our club, let 2024 be the year of renewed involvement. We are incredibly fortunate to have knowledge and experience that can propel LCARC to even greater heights! I look forward and resolve to create and meet the goals and challenges in the coming year.



2024 Officers

At our Annual Meeting and Holiday Dinner members elected new officers for 2024. Heartfelt thanks are due to our outgoing officers for their years of dedicated service to the Club. Chuck W7CRG, David KG7ZMX, Ginny W7OTR, and Jim KK7EMhave been active members for a number of years, both in and out of office. As Immediate Past President, Chuck remains on the Board.

2024 officers are:

President: Mike Eastman N7ONP
Vice President: John Moore KN4RTK
Secretary: Michelle Pelkey KA7OQQ
Treasurer: Chris Nintzel KJ7RAL
Immediate Past President: Chuck Gerttula W7CRG

We are grateful for a very good year in 2023 and look forward to a fruitful 2024.

Membership Forms

Now is a good time to renew your membership for 2024. The form is downloadable under the “Documents” tab here on the website. If you have downloaded the form before this morning, the heading will say “2023.” No problem. Just cross out the 3 and write in “4,” and we’ll know.

If you download now, it should come up with “20__” at the top, is a fillable PDF.

President’s Blog Dec 2023

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas from Chuck Gerttula W7CRG

          This is hopefully the last effort for this month’s Blog.  I’ve started and tossed numerous efforts and thought I had a finished product when I fact checked something and the result caused me to toss the “finished product”.

          The coming of Christmas has always been one of my favorite times of the year.  Growing up in Taft (now part of Lincoln City) I remember greetings and Christmas scenes painted  on store windows.  Bernie’s Sports and Fishing Tackle store had a big speaker hanging outside his door playing Christmas carols.  Even today when I hear “Silver Bells” I think of Bernie’s.  Even with LP records having ten to twelve songs on them it was a constant chore for Bernie or his wife to change records.

          Another more current reminder that “Tis the Season” is the appearance on TV of Ralphie in “A Christmas Story” hoping to find a Red Ryder lever action BB rifle under the tree.  His story, along with all the family drama of a post WWII mid west snowy quirky holiday is so entertaining.  The story is a favorite of many and most certainly one of mine.  It was written by a fellow amateur radio operator Jean Shepherd who coincidentally was also a radio personality on station WOR doing a nightly show without phone calls and guests, just the host’s monologue.

          There are remastered recordings of his show on the internet if you google him.  The show I enjoyed was describing getting his amateur license in 1935 at the Chicago FCC office when he was 14 years old.  It starts with two minutes of music which made me wonder if I had the right tape but that was  the style back in the 1950’s and ’60’s.  If you think it is difficult to obtain an amateur license in 2023 you will be amazed what it took to get one in 1935!

          In many ways I look at our hobby in the same way I viewed my family.  We, as a hobby, tend to stick together.  We have our differences and some have talents others don’t but for the most part we like and appreciate each other much like many families.  There are those of us who jump in to help when one needs assistance.  There are those of us who provide comfort and understanding when a member experiences disappointments such as failing the test to upgrade their license, or a tragedy within their life.  There are those who anger us as my brother did me so many times, but we persevere and most often forgive and forget.

           Within any community there are the generous and the not so generous.  Hams often are generous with their time, experience , expertise, equipment, help, information and many other things.  I know hams who consistently give equipment away and expect nothing in return but the satisfaction of a ham on the air.  I also know hams who are happy to get equipment to those in need but view the action more like a businessman.  But the thing many hams are generous with is their time; time to work with emergency operations, time to help get an antenna up and connected, time to teach a class, time to teach an operator to use a specific piece of equipment.

          Time is something we cannot get more of.  Time is one of the most valuable resources.  It is one of our most often donated and valued things.  If and when you have the time to help our hobby ….  here’s to you!  Thank you! 

We don’t always acknowledge our appreciation but it’s there.

Chuck Gerttula  W7CRG