AA7XA Antenna Raising

News from W7KKE:

In the Otis fire, Frank, AA7XA, lost his home and all his ham radio equipment. Today Daron, N7HQR, Eric, AF7EU, and myself repaired Frank’s damaged HF ground plane which survived the fire but the balun and coax didn’t. So a new balun and coax was installed for that antenna.

Frank bought a 300’ end fed long wire and today Eric shot a line over a cedar tree a few lots away and hoisted up the end of that antenna, a major accomplishment. This antenna should perform very well.

Daron installed a nice through-wall fixture to route the coax inside and pounded in a new ground rod.  While Daron and Eric were busy with their tasks I routed the coax and attached it to the facia.

This evening I messaged Frank asking how his new 300 ft longwire was working and he replied “Like gangbusters!”.  We’re all really happy Frank is back on the air, at least on HF.

Here’s a few photos of today’s festivities:


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