I’ve been hearing from time to time that one or another of our members has DMR equipment and is curious if anyone else is doing anything with the mode. I’ve been fiddling with Yaesu System Fusion C4FM for quite a while (and continue to be committed to that mode) but eventually I got curious enough to order a DMR handheld.
I now have an Anytone AT-D878UVII (not Plus) that I am busily trying to figure out. So far, I believe I’ve successfully programmed some local FM repeaters. Then I found where I had stored (hidden) my old Zumspot, but by that time I’d decided to upgrade to the latest Openspot. It’s on the way.
So …
The second Friday of each month we host a “Digital Voice” discussion on Zoom at 10am Pacific Time. Dstar and Fusion enthusiasts have been regulars, so it should be easy enough to add DMR to the mix. We can always open breakout rooms any time we need to.
The Zoom link is: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87545091587?pwd=bWp0WEJ4NlRoOXMvakJaUDNzbmI5UT09