Wilson’s Wednesday Workshop

Watch Daron N7HQR build a tape measure antenna this Wednesday at 1900 (7:00 pm), on Zoom:

Daron sez: I hope to have all the parts for and be able to assemble and test from my motel room in Medford.  I’m working on a few refinements to make it cheaper to build, and if there is interest I’m happy to put together a ‘kit’ with the pipe, elements, coax pigtail, and all the other parts you need and we’ll work on doing this in person for one of the meetings.

Here is one of many articles on the project:


This is a very basic VHF yagi useful for direction finding and adding some gain to your handheld to get a better signal into the repeater or work the International Space Station.  Feel free to share the link on the website with anyone interested, I’ll see you Wednesday and hope that I’m ready!

Spruce Goose Special Event

Wednesday, November 2, 2022
marks the 75th anniversary of the first and only flight of this massive
“proof of concept” plane, which was moved from Long Beach to the
Evergreen Aviation Museum in McMinnville, OR quite a few years ago. To
mark the occasion, the “Spruce Goose 75th Anniversary of Flight
Amateur Radio Special Event” has been established. It’s scheduled to
run from Saturday, October 29, 2022 at 1700 UTC, through Sunday November
6th 2022, at 2359 UTC. The special event is a joint effort between the
Hughes Amateur Radio Club of El Segundo, CA, and the McMinnville Amateur
Radio Club here in Oregon. The callsigns for the event will be W6HA, and
W6HA/7 respectively, and frequencies will be SSB: 3.833, 7.233, 14.233,
21.333, and 28.333 MHz, and CW: 3.533, 7.033, 14.033, 21.033, and 28.033

Address for special commemorative QSL Card:

Brian Johnson, AB6UI, W6HA Trustee
5207 Lillian Street
Torrance, CA   90503

For more information regarding this special event, check out Hughes
Amateur Radio Club website: www.W6HA.org

Technician Class Scheduled

Mike Eastman N7ONP will lead a 2-day class on successive Saturdays, intended to help prospective new hams prepare to pass the exam for a Technician Class license. Attendees are encouraged to use additional self-learning opportunities in addition to the class. Bring your lunch, or plan to make a quick lunch run.

Day 1: Saturday, October 22, 2022 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Day 2: Saturday, October 29, 2022 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

First Presbyterian Church
227 NE 12th St., Westminster Conference Room
Newport, OR 97365

Registration link

No Nonsense Study Guide

Licensing Information Sheet

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