Yaquina Head Lighthouse 150th

Yaquina Head (Cape Foulweather) Lighthouse back in the day

The Lincoln County Amateur Radio Club will activate the Yaquina Head Lighthouse on August 19 & 20 with a special event station W7Y, in recognition of the 150th anniversary of the activation of the light on August 19th, 1873. The activation coincides with the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend event that occurs the third weekend in August annually, recognizing lighthouses globally. For more information about that event, go to ILLW.NET. For those wishing to obtain a QSL card recognizing our event, after contact on the event weekend, please send a card request, with SASE, to LCARC, P.O. Box 1375, Newport, Oregon 97365. John Moore KN4RTK is spearheading the activation effort locally, working with several other club members, on behalf of the LCARC in cooperation with the Yaquina Head Lighthouse. For further questions/information, please contact John at john.kn4rtk@gmail.com

Excellent drone footage of Yaquina Head: Drone footage | Aerial Video | Yaquina Head Lighthouse | Whale Watching | Oregon Coast on Vimeo

Field Day 2023 updates

Field Day Zoom

We will attempt to have a Zoom feed onsite during our operating hours. The meeting could be down at times for various reasons, including technical issues or changing of hardware or hosts. If it’s down, try coming back later!

There will be a password and no waiting room; if you use the link, the password is embedded:


Meeting ID: 865 9633 0929

Password: FD2023

Field Day site is at Oregon Coast Community College South Beach campus:

President’s Blog May 2023

I had written another article earlier this month but when I realized how close Field Day (FD) was I decided to try to eke out another article.

Yes, Field Day is nearing! You still have time to deplete the ARRL supply of Tshirts, ball caps, mugs and other labeled items if that is your thing. This year LCARC has been fortunate to have a real dynamo working to put FD together, Michelle Pelky. It is always difficult to find members who will work on a project so the entire club benefits, but Michelle has stuck with it and I think we have a really great FD before us!

This year’s FD will be held in the parking lot of the Oregon Coast Community College (OCCC). Yes, I know, located in central Lincoln County again. We looked for sites throughout the county and this worked out to be the best. If we had found sites either in the north or south county it would be a long trip for those in the opposite end of the county. This is a really good site and OCCC has been very welcoming. We will see how propagation works out for us.

Setup will begin Friday 23 June at noon. Setup and tear down can sometimes be shorthanded, so if you can help please do. Hopefully we can set up on the email so members can volunteer just like we do for the Barrel to Key and other activities. Operation will begin Saturday and end Sunday with tear down following. Things always come down faster than they go up. Please let us know when you can participate and help. We normally operate two stations so if you want to spend some time on the air let us know! Or maybe you just like to talk to interested people who show up to see what amateur radio is all about. We always have food, fun and companionship at our Field Day sites.

One thing we always encourage is if you have a rig or antenna you would like to try bring it to FD and the members will help you get it on the air and evaluate its performance. Another aspect is help in using your radio. It is amazing how often one of our members can help another member learn their radio. I know I had used my Icom IC 746pro for a year or two and N7TEE Dave Sanford taught me a lot of nuances and what some of those buttons actually do!

If you have not operated High Frequency (HF) because you don’t have a HF radio or you don’t have the license; this is your opportunity! Yes, you can opperate HF as long as a control operator is with you! That is how Michelle Pelky got hooked on working the HF station during Field Day a few years ago. She had so much fun working the 20 meter band that we had to “pull the plug” to get her off the radio so we could tear down. LOL

Put the weekend of June 24th – 25th on your calendars! Car pool or check to bring your RV if there is still space. Field Day has something for everyone. It is fun, informative and interesting! Plan to join us in the OCCC parking lot!

Newport Farmers Market a success!

Saturday, April 8th, LCARC attended the Newport Farmer’s Market. Showing up at 8 a.m. were several dedicated members for setup, with most staying until we broke down just after noon. N7HQR broke out his HF rig and vertical antenna. Also deployed was a Yaesu dual band mobile with a vertical antenna from the ACS go-kit. Contacts were made on both radios. Despite the coastal weather, we had several folks drop by the booth, from those curious as to what ham radio is about, to those more experienced in the hobby. The intent of informing folks about the club and how they can get involved in radio and emergency services seemed to go quite well as we passed out literature about LCARC, ACS and emergency preparations.

Our presence at the market just happened to coincide with a visit to Newport and the market by AA7JS, Joe Stodola and his wife Debbie, KB7DS. Joe is the director for the statewide OEN and Debbie serves as a relay on the net weekly.

Thanks to all who participated! And remember, we plan to attend the market again on May 27th. See you there!

Newport Farmers’ Market

Hello everyone! In an effort to put a face on the club while promoting ham radio and emergency preparedness, we will have a booth at the Newport Farmers’ Market on Saturday, April 8th and Saturday, May 27th. The market runs from 9am-1pm. Setup should begin no later than 8am. which will include an “Easy Up” canopy, a portable table, chairs and of course comm gear.

Jenny Demaris and Daron Wilson are supplying most of the resources through the LCSO and ACS.

We will need volunteers to help in the booth, including set up and teardown. Please contact John Moore, KN4RTK at john.kn4rtk@gmail.com if you are interested in helping.

Annual Meeting Dinner: Update

As in years past, Lincoln County Amateur Radio Club will hold a dinner (semi-potluck) and Annual Meeting on its regular meeting night in December:

Updated information: We will activate the usual Zoom link for the LCARC Meeting. Expect the meeting to be open at 1800 hours. The plan is to start the actual (short) business meeting at 6:30. On the agenda is election of officers for 2023 and a brief update from Joe NJ7OK on his Amateur Extra & More class.

Tuesday December 13, 6:00 pm. Samaritan Center for Health Education, 740 SW 9th St., Newport

The Club will provide prime rib and drinks. Contact Jim Golden KK7EM at goldenj3 at charter dot net to let us know you’re coming, how many in your party, and a hint about what you might be bringing to contribute.

There will be a short business meeting to elect officers for 2023. Let us know if you are willing to be a nominee for office!