Cascadia Coastal Community HAM Net

Coastal communities in the Pacific Northwest have a lot in common. In coastal Cascadia many people live in small towns or rural areas, which are often isolated by terrain and everyday radio / cellphone dead zones. Natural disasters don’t stop at jurisdictional boundaries. During times of disaster and service interruption, the usual transportation corridors to and from the coast may be cut off — the nearest help may be located in an adjacent coastal community.

The Cascadia Coastal Community Amateur Radio Net was established in to facilitate ongoing interaction between coastal groups (or agencies) interested in emergency or disaster-related communication. The purpose of the net is to share information and to facilitate communication between coastal communities in AK, WA, OR and CA in order to build community awareness, prepare for interruption of services and disasters, and to enhance overall community resiliency.

Net participants are those interested in sharing information on upcoming emergency or disaster-related training events and opportunities (posted to a calendar on, as well as, summaries of actual events. Starting in March 2025, the net will be run on the first and third Thursday of each month at 13:30 Pacific time on Brandmeister ‘Western Oregon’ TG 31412.

This is a directed net. Check-ins will share information with other net participants. The net is open to all licensed amateurs who have an interest in emergency or disaster-related communications especially those associated with ARES/ RACES, Hospital Communication groups, Medical Reserve Corps, Community Emergency Response Teams, and neighborhood groups.

Although there are a few DMR repeaters in our area of interest, most participants can use hotspots to access the DMR network. In addition to the net, the Western Oregon talk group 31412 may be used as an evaluator back-channel during large-scale training events (e.g., Disaster Airlift Response Team drills, Cascadia Rising, IronOR). If you need help with DMR let us know. We also have a few DMR radios and hotspots to loan out for folks to become familiar with DMR amateur radio.

For more information see –

New Zoom links

We’ll be migrating many of our Zoom meeting links from the previous personal account to the Club’s account.

Other meetings can be scheduled as needed, but no regular meetings are currently set for 3rd, 4th or 5th Fridays.

The “Meetings and Nets” page will be updated with this new information shortly.

Amateur Radio-Technician to Extra

Joe Joncas’ class continues on Thursdays at 1830 (6:30 pm).

This class is intended for all Hams who want to improve their techniques and  understanding of Amateur Radio. Whether you are a technician just starting out or an experienced Amateur Extra just needing a refresher course, this class will help you.

Join via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 838 3726 3414

Passcode: 731469

Amateur Extra & More!

Joe Joncas NJ7OK will begin a class on Thursdays, 6:30 to 8:30, beginning January 19. The class is designed for anyone wanting to upgrade to Extra class license, and/or to learn more about electronics as it relates to amateur radio. Please let Joe know if you plan to attend. The class will be available on Zoom, but Joe needs some folks in person to teach to.

Wednesday Workshop Links

Here are links to resources referenced in Daron’s presentation 12/7/22

From Daron N7HQR to Everyone 07:09 PM
this is the NVIS video:

HF Propagation video:

Annual Meeting Dinner: Update

As in years past, Lincoln County Amateur Radio Club will hold a dinner (semi-potluck) and Annual Meeting on its regular meeting night in December:

Updated information: We will activate the usual Zoom link for the LCARC Meeting. Expect the meeting to be open at 1800 hours. The plan is to start the actual (short) business meeting at 6:30. On the agenda is election of officers for 2023 and a brief update from Joe NJ7OK on his Amateur Extra & More class.

Tuesday December 13, 6:00 pm. Samaritan Center for Health Education, 740 SW 9th St., Newport

The Club will provide prime rib and drinks. Contact Jim Golden KK7EM at goldenj3 at charter dot net to let us know you’re coming, how many in your party, and a hint about what you might be bringing to contribute.

There will be a short business meeting to elect officers for 2023. Let us know if you are willing to be a nominee for office!