Wilson’s Wednesday Workshop

Watch Daron N7HQR build a tape measure antenna this Wednesday at 1900 (7:00 pm), on Zoom:

Daron sez: I hope to have all the parts for and be able to assemble and test from my motel room in Medford.  I’m working on a few refinements to make it cheaper to build, and if there is interest I’m happy to put together a ‘kit’ with the pipe, elements, coax pigtail, and all the other parts you need and we’ll work on doing this in person for one of the meetings.

Here is one of many articles on the project:


This is a very basic VHF yagi useful for direction finding and adding some gain to your handheld to get a better signal into the repeater or work the International Space Station.  Feel free to share the link on the website with anyone interested, I’ll see you Wednesday and hope that I’m ready!

It’s meeting night!

In the midst of the Cascadia Rising 2022 exercise (and having had a series of special planning sessions on Zoom) I thought it prudent to note that we will be having our usual 2nd Tuesday Zoom meetings on the usual links tonight:

With so much to talk about, the Club will yield whatever time is needed to ACS for a debrief of the June 11 communications exercise and planning for the June 15 full scale exercise. The Club meeting will likely not start until the ACS meeting concludes. If you’re going to the Club meeting but not the ACS, either sit patiently in the waiting room (it could be a while, after all), or drop into the ACS meeting before it ends. The meetings are on different links.

The ACS meeting should be fairly short, with a report on sales at SeaPac, and we will check in on plans for Field Day.

Cascadia Rising Planning Meetings

I’d like to have a Tuesday night planning meeting at 6pm every Tuesday (except for regular meeting nights) between now and through Cascadia Rising.  I’m hoping this weekly update will help get folks prepared for the exercise, dial in our staffing and planning, and give us time to work through the forms to be transmitted.  I know… yet another meeting, but I don’t know how else to share ideas and practice without something structured like this.

I’ll do my best to send out a reminder 24 hours before and maybe 8 hours before each week so it is fresh in everyone’s mind.  The 8 hours before reminder should have some agenda type information so you know what we’ll be discussing and working on.

Yes… It is a different meeting number than the regular meetings, I’ll send it out with every single email reminder to it should be easy to open the email reminder and select the link.

Tuesday May 3 – 6pm-7pm – Cascadia Rising Planning – still refining scheduling, assignments.  Working towards one location to go to retrieve all the documents when we get closer so you can download the stuff you need prior to the event. (and we’ll take some feedback and ideas on the previous weekend’s events, what worked and what didn’t, how we could make it work better, etc.)


Meeting ID: 893 5138 7703

Passcode: 383741

Phone in: +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)