Latest Sea-PAC information

Update: Registration for Sea-Pac 2025 is open! Dates are May 30 – June 1. Friday Workshop subjects will be emergency communications (emphasis on Winlink) and DMR. For more information and to register:

We are excited to announce that the newest issue of the SEA-PAC Waves is available to download!  Click this link for the SEA-PAC Waves.

We are looking forward to SEA-PAC 2025 and the SEA-PAC committee has been hard at work. We have some great things to share, so you are going to want to read this issue of the Waves!

Please feel free to copy and distribute this to your friends and clubs.

The SEA-PAC Committee

To subscribe or unsubscribe to the SEA-PAC mail list, send your name, call sign preferred email address to

If you are seeing the November 2024 issue of the Waves, please refresh your browser cache.

Cascadia Coastal Community Radio Net

The purpose of the net is to share information and to facilitate communication between coastal communities in AK, WA, OR and CA in order to build community awareness, prepare for interruption of services and disasters, and to enhance overall community resiliency.

Net participants are those interested in sharing information on upcoming emergency or disaster-related training events and opportunities, as well as, summaries of actual events. The net will be run on the first and third Thursday of each month at 13:30 Pacific time on Brandmeister ‘Western Oregon’ TG 31412.

This is a directed net. Check-ins will share information with other net participants. The net is open to all licensed amateurs who have an interest in emergency or disaster-related communications especially those associated with ARES/ RACES, Hospital communication groups, Medical Reserve Corps, Community Emergency Response Teams, and neighborhood groups.

Although there are a few DMR repeaters in our area of interest, most participants can use hotspots to access the DMR network. In addition to the net, the Western Oregon talk group 31412 may be used as an evaluator back-channel during large-scale training events (e.g., Disaster Airlift Response Team drills, Cascadia Rising, IronOR). Cascadia Coastal Coalition:

Cascadia Coastal Coalition ( is an Oregon 501(c) (3) not for profit organization. Our mission is to promote disaster readiness, response, recovery and resilience in support of Pacific Northwest coastal communities. We promote awareness, training, and exercise development and coordination. We strive to build coastal public agency and private entity cooperation, and act as catalyst for statewide and regional coalition development. Our initial projects center around Medical Care and
Emergency Communications during the initial phase of disasters. During the past few years we have worked with coastal communities in Alaska, Oregon, and Washington

Technician License Series

Update: Next session is August 31. We will review the electromagnetic spectrum and antennas, then discuss FCC Rules and good operating procedures. It is NOT too late to join the class.

This class is in person, but a Zoom link is also available:

Interested in getting your amateur radio license? We’re here to help.

Classes will be on Saturday afternoons at irregular intervals, 1pm to 4pm. The first session will be on August 3, and the next on August 17. Additional sessions will be scheduled as I’m able.

Each session will have a main subject, but will be informal and not highly structured. The first session will be an introduction, so we will talk about what amateur radio is and isn’t, what’s required to get a license, study resources, practice tests, and maybe actually touch a radio.

Later sessions will explore technical subjects, FCC rules, good operating procedures, and so on. You don’t have to come to every session, but it would be helpful for me to know who to expect. I will post upcoming sessions on the website at and email everyone on my roster.

Please respond by email to choirboy1953 at gmail dot com if you want to be included. You can still participate even if you can’t make it to all the sessions.

Location: First Presbyterian Church
227 NE 12th St. in Newport
First session August 3, 2024
Second session August 17, 2024
Later sessions to be determined

N7ONP (Mike)

Get Ready for Summer Events

Oregon Coast Gravel Epic: Saturday May 4. Bicycle race begins and ends in Waldport.

West Coast Gravel: Sunday May 5. Begins and ends in Yachats.

Barrel to Keg Relay: Saturday July 13. Teams of runners relay from Wren to South Beach.

This is an all-hands-on-deck event for us to remotely pull off our mission. This is a unique and fun event, and has tons of tactical radio experience tied to it. If you are new as an operator or not participated in a public service event like this, please don’t hesitate to volunteer – you will be paired with someone who has experience on this event and there will be exercises we will do before, so you see and experience how it works.

Thank you and I hope to hear from more. Rather than tie up the listserv, please send me any questions or to sign up via my gmail account:

ARRL Field Day: June 22-23.

SeaPac Convention: May 31 – June 2.

We Need to Vacate the Barn

“The Barn,” which has served as our clubhouse for the last few years, was Willie N6OED’s shack before he became a silent key in 2019. Willie’s widow Margaret is now ready to downsize and put the property (which includes their house) on the market. This means we must move out, possibly very soon.

We need to identify adequate storage space, which may cost us significant rent, that we can move into quickly. We probably have a couple of months before it goes on the market, but there is a LOT of stuff.

We need to execute a plan to downsize what we have to store, and reduce that load as much as we can in the time we have. This means sorting, prioritizing, boxing, and SELLING.

We need a team to spearhead this (as well as MANY hands when called for), and a Leader for the team. Joe NJ7OK will be a resource.

One thing we don’t want is to be an impediment to Margaret’s ability to make a sale to the right buyer. So we need to move as quickly as we can. Please contact President Mike N7ONP or Vice President John KN4RTK, or any officer, to volunteer.

Wednesday Lunchtime Net Digital Modes

Update: KB7KBH reports response has been weak, and he also finds himself busier than expected, so the digital focus on Wednesdays has been suspended. Plenty of good information below, however, and a future event or discussion is always possible.

Greetings all. Michael W7ALX wanted me to do the Wednesday Lunchtime Net to see if there was any interest in folks wanting to expand their knowledge in Digital, and Satellite Opps. I am by no means an expert, but I’m willing to assist those that are interested. We will have the normal net, then after check-ins we can discuss the digital and Sat stuff.

Here are some examples of radio setup for digital modes.

Kenwood radio link 590G



Most of the newer Icom radios have a built-in sound card. Other brands may need a SignalLink USB modem.

There are a lot of YouTube videos that will help guide you thru installation and setup for your brand radio.

The WJST-X free software is what most folks use. They have it for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Com ports are the biggest issues some folks have, Me included!

VARA HF is very similar to FT-8 and some of the settings are similar. It again depends on the brand of HF radio you have. I did a lot of trial and error until I got it. YouTube videos are helpful in setup.

Satellite Comminutions

Satellite comminutions can be a challenge. There are a few in the club that work the birds with a HT or two, and a handheld dual band Yagi antenna. You can find tracking software for your cell phones to help with that. Most of the Sats uplink on 2M, and downlink on 440, depends on the satellite. There are Linear sat’s that are SSB, in that case you would need a radio capable of 2M and 440 SSB. The challenge is the Doppler shift. I have a unit called S.A.T from CSN Technologies. It is a standalone unit that can be used on your cell phone (no computer necessary.  It will control the antennas, frequency’s and doppler shift. I have the Yaesu G5500 rotor for azimuth and elevation antenna control.

Anybody interested can come over to my QTH, and see how it works.

Don Hopkins


2024 Officers

At our Annual Meeting and Holiday Dinner members elected new officers for 2024. Heartfelt thanks are due to our outgoing officers for their years of dedicated service to the Club. Chuck W7CRG, David KG7ZMX, Ginny W7OTR, and Jim KK7EMhave been active members for a number of years, both in and out of office. As Immediate Past President, Chuck remains on the Board.

2024 officers are:

President: Mike Eastman N7ONP
Vice President: John Moore KN4RTK
Secretary: Michelle Pelkey KA7OQQ
Treasurer: Chris Nintzel KJ7RAL
Immediate Past President: Chuck Gerttula W7CRG

We are grateful for a very good year in 2023 and look forward to a fruitful 2024.

Membership Forms

Now is a good time to renew your membership for 2024. The form is downloadable under the “Documents” tab here on the website. If you have downloaded the form before this morning, the heading will say “2023.” No problem. Just cross out the 3 and write in “4,” and we’ll know.

If you download now, it should come up with “20__” at the top, is a fillable PDF.