
We’re making progress on rebuilding the website. Basic Club documents, including the current membership form, are live on the “Documents” page. I think we have the list of nets and meetings, including Zoom links, restored to the new “Meetings & Nets” page. Feel free to test the links. You may note that we streamlined the “Friday Forums” by putting them all under a single Zoom link. This should make it easier to keep track.


We are having to rebuild our website from the bottom up. First priority will be to post links and information. Then we’ll start reconstructing the menus and pages. Please bear with us.

Zoom session for discussion of digital modes – Winlink, packet, you-name-it – 10 am Friday 1/21/22. This particular “Friday Forum” is held on the 3rd Friday. Here’s the link:

Meeting ID: 853 9369 2636

KK7EM will give a Winlink presentation at the next ACS meeting on Tuesday February 9th at 6pm.  If we have time, we will do a little bit on vara FM – but since that is an entirely different mode and access to Vara FM digi is in the future (unless you are using vara HF).  WA7SB may fill in to answer some questions if we get through the basic Winlink stuff.