Starting the new year can be problematic. Do I change things or do I
leave well enough alone? If I do change things, what things do I change and to
what extent do I change them? Some things get changed for you. I am no
longer President of Lincoln County Amateur Radio Club, I’m beginning to feel
my age, and my family responsibilities have increased. Some things you are in
the driver’s seat and can decide direction, speed and duration. Then there are
those things you would LIKE to change and which you must conjure up the
resources to affect that change if you want to accomplish them.
Changes I want to make for my amateur radio life can be easily listed and
can be difficult to get done. First of all, I must decide which of the lengthy list
I want to work on. Then I have to muster the willpower and other resources to
get started. The biggest problem to getting started is always the “circle of
projects”. That is to start this project I need these tools and items. I know I
own all those tools and items … but I must FIND all those tools and items.
My mind says, “It would be far easier to round those items up if you just
clean and organize your shop.” Alas! Now I’m off course! I’m cleaning and
organizing instead of trouble shooting that Hallicrafter’s SX-100! But relax
Chuckie, you just found that VTVM (Vacuum Tube Volt Meter) that you will
find very useful when trouble shooting! See, you are making progress! You
are starting on the project!
But look, when I plug the VTVM in it isn’t working! Probably just one of
the tubes. Get out the Tube Tester and check the tubes. How much trouble is
that? Where are you going to set the tube tester? Clear that work bench and set
it there. OK
Oh, look, there is that box of vacuum tubes I was given last year. I might
as well test them too. Kill two birds as they say. Three hours later and the box
of tubes are tested, dead ones discarded, good ones boxed and labeled and
numerically stored with all the other vacuum tubes! Good job, Chuckie!
Oh, I forgot to check the tubes in the VTVM. Well how much time can
that take? There are only a few. Common ones too. This isn’t going to be a
problem at all! There, it only took 45 minutes and all the tubes are checked and
they were all good! OH! That means the problem is elsewhere. Where is the
manual for that meter? 45 minutes of going though the files and Voila there it
is a printout from the internet. I must have done that when I got the meter.
Good for you Chuckie!
So, would you look at that fried resistor and the two capacitors leaking
wax! This thing is older than I thought. 30 minutes and I have found replacements for the capacitors and the resistor. Get the soldering iron on and
remove and replace the three items. Wow! Am I good or am I good? Look at
that; the VTVM is working … except where is all that smoke coming from?
Two hours later, I have a working, non-smoking VTVM. One hour later I
have the tube tester and other equipment put away and the workbench is clear
and usable … OK, relatively clear and usable.
So now you have an idea of how the “circle of projects” works. If all
goes well I should circle my way to working on the Hallicrafter’s SX-100 in a
month or so. Hopefully I will still have the determination to work on it.
The “circle” exists in other part of my life as well. For instance I would
like to relearn CW. I determined that the Koch method would be a good way to
accomplish that goal. I determined which computer to put the program on and
set it up. In setting it up I found that I had begun to load a program which had
a Ham Clock on that computer and began checking the extent to which I had
committed the computer to being the Clock. I then remembered I decided to
put the Ham Clock on a Raspberry Pi.
Where is that Raspberry Pi now? Oh gee, I found three. Why do I have
three? What is on each one? Oh, I think the readers see where THIS is going!
My life can be a series of “circles” if I let it. Fortunately, I can also get projects
into a “linear” status and I can actually accomplish something!
So to the hams who have labored through this piece I wish you a Happy
New Year! Go forth and try new things. Hopefully one or two of those things
will involve amateur radio. Extend your horizons. Try something you have
thought about doing. Contact other hams whether they be within the county,
the state, the United States or around the globe. We are part of a wonderful
hobby that holds possibilities for new experiences, new friends, and new
accomplishments! Experience things with this new year!
Chuck Gerttula, W7CRG 73
“73” Which reminds me of my first effort for this New Years Blog. The
term 73 and how we use it.
We’ve all heard something like the following come across the airwaves.
“Hey, it’s been nice talking with you! I hope we meet again on the bands.
This has been a very interesting QSO. 73.”
I’ve heard something similar to this hundreds of times on the ham bands.
I’ve never thought much about such statements. Today I heard a ham sign off
with “73s”. You will hear “seventy-three” and “seven-threes” often as hams
end their conversations. The intent is to wish the other ham well or have a
good day.
First of all, it is SEVEN THREE. Two numbers not the third number to
show in the seventies. Remember much of our lexicon comes from the beginnings of amateur radio which was Morse Code sent over the radio. Why
did they choose 7 3?
First of all, Morse Code numbers consist of Zero through Nine. There are
no teens, twenties nor seventies, hundreds, thousands, etc.. If you know Morse
Code, which is not my forte I was a novice in 1960’s and very poor at CW, you
know that Seven is . . . – – and Three is – – – . . ! How about that they are the
reverse of each other! Easy to learn, easy to send and easy to hear.
This, like the Q codes was to make sending and receiving CW easier and
faster. Also, like many things from the beginning of our hobby the use and
meaning has been diluted or changed.
Will this explanation make a big difference to anyone in our hobby? I
doubt it. Just an interesting sidelight to add a little depth and verve to our
favorite pastime. “7 3” Chuck W7CRG