Lincoln County Amateur Radio Club is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and an ARRL-affiliated association of amateur radio operators in Lincoln County, Oregon. We meet weekly by radio on Tuesdays at 7:30 PM, using the 145.370 repeater on Otter Crest, with a PL tone of 167.9 Hz. Times, frequencies, and tones are on the “Meetings & Nets” page. There is no net on the Club meeting night, the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
Monthly meetings are the second Tuesday of each month, 7:00 pm at the Samaritan Center for Health Education, 740 SW 9th St., in Newport, Oregon. Virtual participation is also available via Zoom. The 7:00 pm meeting is preceded at 6:00 pm by an Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS) meeting, emergency communications presentations or workshops. Links for these meetings are on the “Meetings & Nets” page.
The membership year is January through December; dues are $20 for an individual, $30 for a household.
LCARC members conduct a W5YI VE testing session the second Saturday of each month, 9:00 am at the First Presbyterian Church, 227 NE 12th St. in Newport. Walk-ins are welcome.
Annual Events
- Winter Field Day – last weekend in January
- Salem Hamfair – February
- Oregon Coast Gravel Epic – Early May
- SeaPac – 1st weekend in June
- ARRL Field Day – 4th full weekend in June
- Barrel to Keg Relay – July
- National Night Out – 1st Tuesday in August
- Swaptoberfest – October
Email: N7OY.LCARC at
2025 Officers
- President Mike Eastman N7ONP
- Vice President John Moore KN4RTK
- Secretary Michelle Pelkey KA7OQQ
- Treasurer Chris Nintzel KJ7RAL
- License Trustee Mike Eastman N7ONP
- Immediate Past President Chuck Gerttula W7CRG