Joe Joncas would like the club to acquire a 3D printer. There are numerous sources of information on 3D printing; You Tube, Blogs, and magazine articles to name a few. ARRL’s October 2022 QST has a good article on the subject. Joe would like to bring the subject up at the February meeting so educate yourself and be an informed club member pro or con.
Joe is also the primary force behind a course to upgrade amateurs to the Extra class license. Joe wants to teach electronics as well as the material for passing the FCC’s Extra exam. The class will be offered in person as well as by zoom and starts on the 19th of January. More information is on
The February club meeting will fall on 14 February so be aware that it might interfere with your plans for a romantic dinner or the like. We are trying to make the meetings exciting and valuable to the attendees while still conducting a “hybrid” meeting of in-person and via zoom. Raffles will be part of the meeting as well as refreshments. We have a Yaesu VX-7 handheld that sells for $200 -$300 on Ebay and operates on 50/144/440 Mhz including a 2 meter J-pole antenna that will be raffled off to some lucky ham at the meeting in February.