Saturday, April 8th, LCARC attended the Newport Farmer’s Market. Showing up at 8 a.m. were several dedicated members for setup, with most staying until we broke down just after noon. N7HQR broke out his HF rig and vertical antenna. Also deployed was a Yaesu dual band mobile with a vertical antenna from the ACS go-kit. Contacts were made on both radios. Despite the coastal weather, we had several folks drop by the booth, from those curious as to what ham radio is about, to those more experienced in the hobby. The intent of informing folks about the club and how they can get involved in radio and emergency services seemed to go quite well as we passed out literature about LCARC, ACS and emergency preparations.
Our presence at the market just happened to coincide with a visit to Newport and the market by AA7JS, Joe Stodola and his wife Debbie, KB7DS. Joe is the director for the statewide OEN and Debbie serves as a relay on the net weekly.

Thanks to all who participated! And remember, we plan to attend the market again on May 27th. See you there!