We are sorry to report that Darroll Morehouse KK6ZZ passed from this life peacefully January 15.
Winter Field Day reminder
Friday, January 24th through Sunday, January 26th. Friday will be a setup day. Those assisting in setup Friday should arrive at 2 p.m. The event begins Saturday at 0800 PST (1600 UTC) and continues through 1359 PST (2159 UTC) Sunday. Location: 3710 Crestline Dr., Waldport at the South County Resources facility. Those attending are reminded to bring a folding chair, drinks and a snack/meal. The club Buddihex antenna will be setup Friday as well as two popup shelters and tables. We will be most likely transmitting on 20m from the club antenna.
For rules and other information: WFD
Shack O’ the Month….
So, we thought we’d give this a try…. In an effort to get to know our members a little better, what better way than to post members pics and writings of their beginning and where they currently stand in the hobby.
Featured this month is KB7KUH, Don Hopkins. After a suggestion on the Lunch Time Net, Don was the first to step up and give us his story.

Don’s gear: Icon 7600 w/ Heil PR781 Boom Mic, Icom 7300, Icom 9700 VHF/UHF Satellite Station, Heil Pro Headset, Yeasu 5500 Sat Antenna Rotor, SAT Pack Antennas, Icom 2300H Packet Radio, 2 YeasuFTM 500D UHF VHF C4FM Wires-X (one in shack and one in truck), Yeasu FT70D handheld, Heathkit SB-220 2KW Amp and Ameritron AL-811 600W Amplifier.
In his own words…
Well, I like others had a walkie talkie as a kid, and a CB in my trucks. I had a girlfriend/x wife, and she said “Do you want to meet my parents?” I said “Sure.” We arrived at her parents’ home in Salem. She asked her mom “Where’s Dad?” Her mom replied “Where else”.
I was shown a set of stairs, and told “He’s up there.” I went up the stairs into a dimly lit room, and saw a guy hunched over his desk pounding on a CW key. I introduced myself, and he said have a seat. For the next couple of hours, he told me all about Ham Radio.
He switched over to voice on SSB, went over to a large box setting on the floor, and turned it on. He fiddled around with it a bit, and keyed the mic and called CQ. When he keyed the mic, the lights dimmed. I asked him about the lights, and he said it was the 2KW Henery floor Amp. When someone in Japan replied, I was hooked.
The rest is history.
Indeed it is Don, and what a history it continues to be. Thanks to KB7KUH for submitting the first “Shack O’ the Month” for 2025. Who’s next?
Lunchtime Net postponed until February…unless….
The M-F Lunchtime Net that we have all come to know and love over the past 5 years is taking a vacation. Well, W7ALX is taking a temporary hiatus from his usual “appearance” every weekday from 1200-1300 hours. Michael has some personal things to attend to, but don’t let that be a reason not to help fill the void. Those mighty big shoes can be easy and fun to fill! Here is your opportunity to step up and take advantage of an excellent opportunity to train and yeah, maybe step a little out of your comfort zone.
That’s how we grow! If you are interested, please reach out to Michael/W7ALX, Eric/AF7UE, Don/KB7KUH, Mark/K7EAB or John/KN4RTK for more information and the necessary script.
Sign up for Net Control or check the schedule. Once the webmaster approves your request, you will be able to edit the spreadsheet and put yourself on the schedule. The link is also on the Meetings & Nets page under the Lunchtime Net listing.
Some Things Are Hard To Remember (aka Chuck’s Blog January 2025)
Chuck Gerttula W7CRG
I assembled my low power station (QRP and yes it is Chinese, an RS-918) and hooked up the loop antenna. I was ready to begin a little adventure in chasing stations with low power … even if the adventure was from the back deck on our house. Log book, pencil and cup of coffee, what more could I need? Check connections and push the power switch … nothing happens. The nifty little digital meter hooked to the battery terminals reads low. My lithium iron phosphate battery I got specifically for this type of operation was in need of charging (I got it because of low weight, good power and decent operating time). OK, OK, the low weight wasn’t so important as I only had to carry it from my workshop to the back deck … but that did involve a flight of 14 stairs.
I’m sure this sort of thing happens to all of us but I’ve noticed that it is more recurring in the years past my 70th year on this rock. Yes, I forget things more often now. As a matter of fact, sometimes I forget that I’ve forgotten. Thus setting up a station with a battery I was going to charge.
Charging batteries, as well as changing batteries, is an on-going problem no matter what your age. The Fire Departments have campaigned to tie checking the batteries in smoke detectors to the changing of clocks from Standard to Daylight Savings as many fatality or injury fires they respond to have a dead battery in the detector.
Amateur radio has had an increasing dependence on batteries. We have handhelds (often times more than one), laptops, instruments (how corroded is the battery in your Volt Ohm Meter?), clocks, calculators and many other items. Don’t forget the batteries for your “Go Kit”. Part of the supplies in my “Go Box” is a zip lock baggie of AA and AAA batteries. When I need one in the shack I go to the baggie and grab it and when I get a fresh supply of batteries I replace the batteries in the baggie.
Try to determine a “trigger” for you to think about the various batteries you need to maintain. The Fire Departments use the clock change. I know of one ham who uses a clipboard with the various batteries and other items he needs to check on listed with a monthly space to check-off. That works for him but is far too much for me. But, whatever works for you, try it.
The batteries I have the most trouble with are those for my various HT s as it seems the manufacturers make almost every battery different and the charger has a different configuration. Many have the same voltage and so forth but the charger has a very different connector or plug. So if you don’t use the radio on a regular basis, when you want to use it, it is often with a low charge.
Now I know I had another item to discuss … but I forgot it. Oh, now I remember, manuals. We as hams collect a wide range of radios and equipment. Some of you may remember all the aspects of said equipment. Which button to push to do various tasks. I do not. My philosophy was always I don’t want to clutter my meager number of brain cells with large amounts of information. I just need to know where to find that information when I need it. But as Hamlet said, “Aye there’s the rub.” Sometimes that can be problematic unless one plans ahead when they get the material. By that, I mean right after the “Wow this is great! Look what I can do with it!” I put the information which tells me what it can do and how to make it do that, into a clearly labeled file. A brief bit of organization now saves so much frustration later. And, over time it becomes a habit rather than a task.
“Cheat Sheets” such as the Nifty Mini Manuals are a great help. I’ve found they were more helpful a number of years ago when my eyesight was better and could read that teeny tiny print but they provide a huge amount of operational information. I saw one ham who made a small pocket from clear wide tape and had the Nifty on the back of his handheld. I guess he had a pocket for each battery. The hams who respond with him probably have either adopted his pocket Idea or know where he is to borrow his Nifty trifold when they forget which button to push.
I think in previous blogs or blog I mentioned how one can find themselves in a circle of need (read frustration). By that I mean I set off to fix the “whatchamacallit” and find I need tool A to do it. I search for and find tool A but it needs work/calibration/the manual. I search for and find the necessary work/calibration/manual but find that to accomplish said task I need item B. You can see where this is going, can’t you? If I am lucky the circle quickly closes and I actually fix the “whatchamacallit”. Other times I set it aside and move on to another problem which hopefully doesn’t have a “circle of need”.
Over time I have come to realize that if I fix the item when I first discover it, I save myself hours of frustration and work. I have come to the realization but that doesn’t mean I’ve conquered a bad habit. But it does mean that more and more often I go to use tool A and I can both find tool A and tool A works as it should! (Read smile smugly.)
Another kind of “forgetting” is what I consider re-learning. To set the stage, I’m going out for the afternoon and I grab my trusty Yaesu FT 60. I have programmed a multitude of repeaters and as well as the simplex frequencies on the little hand held. But … I don’t use the radio often enough to remember the number for Otter Crest repeater nor the number for the simplex channel. So I go through each channel looking for what I seek. To make things more complicated, I didn’t enter a name for each channel when I did the programming I “relearned” all right. I reprogrammed when I got home and made the listings useful for the “forgetful” one, me.
Hopefully this has been useful, amusing and provided some ideas to make your ham life better. If it hasn’t, sorry about wasting your reading time but have a happy hammy New Year!
Chuck Gerttula
Chuck’s Blog December 2024
Christmas Blog Dec 2024 Chuck Gerttula W7CRG
Twas the night before Christmas and Santa was flying around in his sleigh and trying out a few of the HTs he would be delivering to some lucky hams. He liked to add “Aviation Mobile” to his KL7STA call sign when he signed off with “73 to all”. It was amazing what operating from 30.000 feet did for a rubber duck antenna. He was able to stay in touch with Mrs Claus even when he was orbiting over Europe. Of course since she had put a full array of yagis on the North Pole the signals improved on all bands.
The Elves were active on QRP with a Xiegu G90 so Santa switched over to 20 meters on his fancy Elecraft transceiver mounted on the dash of the sleigh. Elmer the lead Elf was busy making contacts all over western Europe. Everyone seemed to enjoy getting the QSL cards from the North Pole. It was fascinating how many contacts Elmer could make with low power even using SSB. If he went digital using FT8 he was often swamped with contacts.
“KL7STA this is KL7XYL, I need you back here at the home QTH so quit with the joy ride and head the reindeer back to the stable!”
With the glow of moonlight on Santa’s crestfallen brow he wheeled the sleigh around and zoomed off to the North. Rudolph’s nose glowed brighter and brighter as the homing beacon on the North Pole got nearer and nearer. In no time at all they made a perfect eleven point landing (that’s two sleigh runners, and nine reindeer) and taxied up to the Claus workshop. Wisps of smoke drifted from the chimney and soon dissipated into the snowy air.
Santa no more than got in the door and started to remove his warm red and white coat then Elmer the head Elf ran up to him. “Santa! You forgot to make one of the most important deliveries! The children’s orphanage just had all of the third year students graduate from the radio class with their ham license and we promised them a new station for Christmas!”
There was no station in my bag! You can see it’s empty!” said Santa.
We had to miniaturize it to fit in the bag. It’s caught in the lining,” stated Elmer as he crawled through the magic bag. “By my calculations if you leave now and follow the flight path I programmed into your sleigh you can still get it to them before the wake up and go down to their Christmas tree! Get your jacket on and get those reindeer into high gear! New hams are hard to come by and we don’t want to loose any!”
So laying his finger aside to his nose … with a whoosh Santa was on his cushy seat and the reindeer were following Elmer’s program flight path to the orphanage! In no time at all the magical group landed on the roof of the orphanage missing the guy wires to the antenna tower and all the coax cables feeding the antennas.
Whoosh! Santa was down the chimney and heading to install the station. Unfortunately, the orphanage had not had the chimney sweep clean the flue in some time and Santa left sooty foot prints and grime from his jacket all the way to the Christmas tree!
I’ll use my magic cleaner-upper on the way back to the sleigh,” he muttered. “I’ve got to get this station set up quickly, I think I hear stirrings up on the sleeping level.”
With a wink of his eye a complete station was up and operational. “I’ll leave it on 20 meters so I can wish them a Merry Christmas on my way back to the North Pole!”
And just as the eager new hams rushed down the staircase, Santa whisked up the chimney and was into his sleigh. Once more being careful of the guy wires and coax he zoomed toward the North Pole. Santa plugged in the headset built into his stocking cap and keyed the trans. “Merry Christmas to all the new young hams, may you have good QSOs and to all a Good Night!”
December YOTA Month
The entire month of December several youth operators will become active with YOTA as suffix in the callsign. The idea for this is to show the amateur radio hobby to youth and to encourage youth to be active on the ham radio waves.
Chuck’s Blog November 2024
I’m Much Too Young to Feel This Damn Old (and forgetful)
If I remember correctly (and I often times don’t) this title belongs to a Garth Brooks song. Growing up in Taft and living next door to my maternal grandparents I formed a special bond with them and developed a special understanding of old folks. Grandma was the quiet one with strong meaningful advice. Grandpa was the storyteller and adventurer but also very wise and “smart as a whip”. He, like many young folks of his time, had only an eighth grade education but built a successful life and complicated businesses with that knowledge. Gramps built one of (according to him not one but “the”) highest logging railroad trestles in the U.S.. Quite an engineering feat for an eighth grade education. I saw the trestle in the 1970’s and it was an impressive structure.
As a young man Grandpa accepted a money belt from his wealthy stepbrother A.S. Kerry and went “North to Alaska” and the Klondike gold rush. There he built a boarding house/hotel/store on the Whitehorse River, he then built a steam boat to haul miners and their materials back and forth. After a couple of years work he brought a trunk of gold back to his stepbrother who became an even wealthier member of Seattle society. Kerry Park in Seattle is named after his brother A.S. Kerry.
My intent was not to tell the family history but to establish that in 1950 when I was starting the first grade in Mrs. Morrow’s class in Taft my Grandfather was 71. I like most children had no ability to determine adults age. They were simply adults some older, some not so old. I also had no appreciation for the toll that years take on an individual. Now being almost a decade older than what my Grandfather was at that time, I realize and appreciate many of the things about my Grandparents.
Asking myself things such as, “What IS his name?” “Where did I put the …?” “Did I solder that to pin four or five?” “What was the frequency they said they were moving to?” I like to tell myself that I’m as sharp as I used to be … just a little slower getting to that sharpness.
One thing my family taught me was patience. I didn’t think they were teaching me to be patient, I just thought they were making me wait. Lessons were sometimes harsh. Like when I was in the seventh grade and my birthday was approaching (as in two or three weeks away approaching). For probably the fiftieth time that week I asked, “What am I getting for my Birthday, Mom?” Mom turned away from me, took a box off the shelf and opened it handing me a pair of shoe skates. “Happy Birthday son. Your birthday is going to be very quiet and unsurprising now.”
Wow! Not what I wanted to happen. Did I learn a lesson in patience!
Some things a person must wait for. As a young adult you wish you were older, then you are older and you wonder why all of a sudden you have all these responsibilities and problems.
As a ham radio operator patience breeds success. As you tune across the frequency take a moment to realize all the things that need to align for you to hear that other station. Your radio, feed-line and antenna need to be working properly and efficiently. The atmosphere needs to be providing good propagation. The other station needs to be transmitting and its signal needs to be of a quality your station can function with.
Often times we tune quickly across the frequency and our equipment doesn’t have the ability to process the signals that are there. Or they are just beginning to transmit but you have already moved “off-frequency”. Sometimes being the “tortoise” is better than being the “hare”.
Listen and copy the information the station may give out: call sign, frequency, location, power, name, special status. Nothing identifies a “Lid” (ham slang for poor operator) more than after giving a glowing signal report asking two or three times for clarification of their call sign. If they are truly registering “59” that means they have a strong signal and are completely understandable.
I know, in the contest world, all signal reports are “59”. Many hams are offended by that but that is the accepted protocol for that group. It tends to bleed into other ham activities which lessens the value of signal reports which I use to assess the condition of my station.
Another example of ham patience is waiting for your turn which is part of the mantra “listen first then speak”. If a station is “answering by the numbers” they are breaking responses into the ten districts. So if they are taking “7s” and you are a “6” you need to wait through 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. If you can’t wait go to another frequency and come back. If you time it right you will show up as they are taking “6s”.
A station I found of 20 meters was calling “CQ, CQ, CQ, CQ 20 meters. This is K7— calling CQ. CQ, CQ, CQ. CQ 20 meters. This is K7— calling CQ. CQ, CQ, CQ …….. On and on and on I timed him for close to three minutes before he paused for ten seconds and started his constant calling once again. A little patience and someone might have been able to respond to his CQ.
So, when Gramps said, “I’ll take you with me when I go to the Post Office and give you a nickel for some candy,” that was on his schedule not mine. That nickel candy had to wait an hour or two and maybe he might have forgotten the offer. I didn’t understand the dynamics when I was young but I sure do now!
One of my friends sent me a post where the older person was in the middle of the stairs and was asking, “now was I going up to the bathroom or down the the living room?” At this time in my life, I can relate.
I ask myself, “is this writer’s block I’m going through …. or is it getting older and older and older.
73, Chuck W7CRG
Where did ’73’ originate?
For those of you curious hams, you might find this link interesting.
Wednesday Workshops on sabbatical
Wilson’s Wednesday Workshops are taking a break for a while but will resume when Daron is ready. In the meantime, think of some good projects to build.