So, we thought we’d give this a try…. In an effort to get to know our members a little better, what better way than to post members pics and writings of their beginning and where they currently stand in the hobby.
Featured this month is KB7KUH, Don Hopkins. After a suggestion on the Lunch Time Net, Don was the first to step up and give us his story.

Don’s gear: Icon 7600 w/ Heil PR781 Boom Mic, Icom 7300, Icom 9700 VHF/UHF Satellite Station, Heil Pro Headset, Yeasu 5500 Sat Antenna Rotor, SAT Pack Antennas, Icom 2300H Packet Radio, 2 YeasuFTM 500D UHF VHF C4FM Wires-X (one in shack and one in truck), Yeasu FT70D handheld, Heathkit SB-220 2KW Amp and Ameritron AL-811 600W Amplifier.
In his own words…
Well, I like others had a walkie talkie as a kid, and a CB in my trucks. I had a girlfriend/x wife, and she said “Do you want to meet my parents?” I said “Sure.” We arrived at her parents’ home in Salem. She asked her mom “Where’s Dad?” Her mom replied “Where else”.
I was shown a set of stairs, and told “He’s up there.” I went up the stairs into a dimly lit room, and saw a guy hunched over his desk pounding on a CW key. I introduced myself, and he said have a seat. For the next couple of hours, he told me all about Ham Radio.
He switched over to voice on SSB, went over to a large box setting on the floor, and turned it on. He fiddled around with it a bit, and keyed the mic and called CQ. When he keyed the mic, the lights dimmed. I asked him about the lights, and he said it was the 2KW Henery floor Amp. When someone in Japan replied, I was hooked.
The rest is history.
Indeed it is Don, and what a history it continues to be. Thanks to KB7KUH for submitting the first “Shack O’ the Month” for 2025. Who’s next?
What a great story! And a fine shack. I have the exact same …. mouse pad.