Useful Links

Ratpac – From their Mission Statement…Radio Amateur Training Planning and Activities Committee (RATPAC)…..we host nationwide Amateur Radio Zoom presentations twice-a-week, Wednesdays on general radio topics and Thursdays on amateur radio emergency communications.

If you miss the live presentation via zoom, it will be available a few days later on YouTube.

WaveTalkers -Over 120 videos on everything from how to build or configure to links to cool must have radio gear.

Dave Casler -One of the industry’s leading experts (in the humble opinion of this author) with over 1000 videos on anything and everything ham radio. The Ask Dave column in the ARRL publication as well as YouTube videos provide hours of education and answers to your ham radio questions.

ARRL – The Amateur Radio Relay League home page

DX Engineering NVIS build PDF – This document, partially referenced from W7CRG’s presentation at the February 2025 club meeting, details how to build an NVIS antenna for both 40 and 80 meters.